Zero Loss Strategy: A business-critical approach to fighting ransomware


On- Demand Webinar

Length: 1 hour

You’ve seen the headlines – organizations with their data held hostage and ransom payments to perpetrators to restore it. Time is of the essence during a ransomware attack. Is your organization prepared? Do all your teams know their roles and responsibilities? Do they have the authority to make immediate decisions?

Commvault is introducing a Zero Loss Strategy, a new business-critical approach to fighting ransomware, which will help you better plan, protect, manage, and recover your data. To maintain healthy business operations and manage risk, you need an approach that integrates your data management and security teams and other stakeholders.

Join us as we bring together industry experts and Commvault customers to explore real-world risk mitigation and how a Zero Loss Strategy helps organizations be ransomware-ready and recover quickly in the event of a cyberattack.

This webinar will explore:

  • The evolving cyberthreat landscape
  • Creating and testing an incident response plan
  • Implementing a Zero Loss Strategy
  • Ransomware recovery – a customer story