Endpoint Backup

Endpoint backup solutions offer data protection for employee user devices, including desktops and laptops for today’s remote workforce.

Endpoint Backup Definition

Endpoint backup solutions offer data protection for employee user devices, including desktops and laptops for today’s remote workforce.

By collecting and transmitting data residing on employee devices, Endpoint backup solutions can protect users by automatically and securely backing up data copies offsite to a cloud storage location, without any end user intervention.

What is endpoint backup?

In today’s new remote workplace model, endpoint data backup is becoming an essential part of data protection strategies. Endpoint backup solutions offer comprehensive coverage from deletion and attack, protecting data and information stored on laptops and PCs running Windows, Mac OS and Linux.

Endpoint backup services enable both end users and administrators to recover from data loss. End users can utilize self-service search and restore capabilities to locate and recover their data without IT intervention. Administrators, on the other hand, can protect and recover endpoint data silently from remote, centralized locations – without impacting user productivity.

With SaaS-delivered endpoint backup (or Backup as a Service), businesses can reduce the risks of potential end user data loss, while lowering the burden on IT support with an efficient cloud solution.

What is the endpoint backup process, and how does it work?

Endpoint backup offers complete protection for a company’s endpoint devices, such as laptops and desktops. Remote devices are automatically assigned ready-made plans that define data backup and recovery frequency, retention plan, and data to back up and destination storage targets. IT administrations can centrally manage the backup process to include or exclude elements of backup.

Why is endpoint backup important?

The rapid shift to work from home and distance learning have heightened the security risks as remote workers, as endpoints have become a prime target for attack. In fact, a recent survey IT security professionals shows that 64% of companies have had compromised data assets or IT infrastructure as a result of one or more endpoint attack (such as ransomware or malware).

Endpoint backup provides a solution that is an essential component of any holistic security solution for business data at the edge. By protecting user device data, companies can ensure that their dispersed (and now remote) business data is protected and recoverable in the face of unwanted threats or data loss.

Benefits of endpoint backup

Protecting remote workforces and their laptop data is vital for business continuity. A dedicated SaaS-delivered backup solution provides a safety net in the face of data loss or corruption. With endpoint protection, businesses get comprehensive data backup and recovery protection for data at the edge, and a smart solution will offer the following benefits:

  • Flexibility. Endpoint backup should offer flexible, granular restore of laptop and desktop data for companies and their remote employees. Remote workers’ PCs are protected, as enterprise backup solutions use cloud copies of a device data to restore lost information and keep employees productive. Endpoint backup solutions also offer businesses self-service flexibility – as end-users can restore their own data (without any IT support), or administrators can do so from a centralized and remote location.

  • Data compliance. Endpoint backup for remote laptops and desktops moves workers’ data to designated secure cloud storage and can help you stay data compliant by meeting compliance with regulatory requirements such as HIPAA, GDPR, SOC2 and ISO 27001 standards.

  • Advanced security and compliance. Endpoint backup solutions can also offer hardened security controls to prevent data loss. With advanced at-rest/in-flight data encryption, zero trust authentication and access controls, and AI-powered anomaly detection, endpoint backup solutions help thwart bad actors from gaining access to critical user data. Paired with geolocation and remote wipe functionality, administrators can better locate and wipe loss devices to help ensure sensitive data never gets in the wrong hands.

  • Reduced IT burden. Endpoint backup solutions don’t have to be complex. In fact, a SaaS-delivered backup solution can save countless hours of IT resources by simplicity and efficiency protecting backups. Not only does SaaS backup shift upfront capex to a budget-friendly opex model, but it also reduces the load for administrators. IT can centrally deploy, run, and manage backups without any impact on user productivity. This provides IT teams with nimble tools to silently administer data backups, without disruption to business operations.

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Common use cases for endpoint backup

Organizations of all sizes need endpoint backup for these everyday use cases:

  • Remote work continuity. Businesses can protect all of their data on employees’ PCs and bring endpoint devices back to life following unpredictable disruptions. With enterprise-grade security controls, advanced anomaly detection, and hardened compliance protocols – backup can help prevent unwanted corruption or cyberattacks.

  • Data protection. Without proper protection, your data remains susceptible to potential loss, corruption, or attack. Endpoint backup solutions can preserve device data integrity and offer usable copies of lost or corrupted endpoint data via virtual air-gapped data copies. By storing endpoint backups in an isolated location, businesses can ensure they maintain immutable copies of their data – that’s not susceptible to user device breaches.

  • Disaster recovery. IT environments face constant data loss, corruption, and ransomware threats. Ensuring rapid recovery from data loss events, and helps restore worker productivity with lower risks. Backups commonly run on an automated, periodic schedule – capturing most recent copies of user data. Coupled with granular and point-in-time restore capability data backup and recovery solutions offer administrators and users with comprehensive and efficient tools to rapidly restore data.

  • Remote management. With SaaS backup, users benefit from the ability to manage and protect their users – from remote locations. Backups can be automated, and run silently in the background, without any impact to user productivity. Geo-location & remote wipe functions, also give governance controls to ensure data never gets into the wrong hands. This enables admins to deploy with ease, and comprehensive protect users from centralized location.

Does Commvault offer endpoint backup?

Yes! Commvault® Endpoint Backup and Recovery offers powerful, award-winning data protection for desktops and laptops – in a simple SaaS-delivered solution. With automated daily backups, advanced encryption, granular search, and flexible point-time and item-level restore options, Commvault comprehensively safeguards data from deletion, corruption and attack.

And because it’s SaaS, customers get easy deployments, hassle-free maintenance, and unlimited storage and one year of retention built-in. You can be up and protecting your endpoints in as little as fifteen minutes!

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