Korea Life Insurance Association reduces cost and complexity of backups with Commvault

Insurance industry organization accelerates the speed to back up one million files by
10 times and increases business productivity


  • Legacy backup system required major updates or additional licenses to increase capacity
  • Complex licensing policies and pricing reduced data management efficiency and resulted in increased costs
  • Eliminate media errors and storage failures and minimize disruption to operations with a more reliable data protection solution


  • Commvault Complete™ Backup & Recovery safeguards the company’s entire database and all file sources
  • Supports data restoration across multiple operating systems
  • KMDM, one of Commvault’s partners, assisted with the deployment


  • 10 times increase in weekly backup speeds for one million files
  • Delivers significant savings on licensing costs
  • Simplifies data management by using a single platform that supports heterogeneous environments
  • Faster backup process frees up employees for more productive tasks


Banking and insurance


Seoul, South Korea



In numbers

  • Operating since 1950
  • 7 regional branches
  • Approximately 130 employees
  • 24 full and associate life insurer members
  • Approximately 10 terabytes of data

The backup environment

  • Commvault Complete Backup & Recovery
  • UNIX server
  • VMware ESX6.X Hypervisor
  • Citrix XenServer Hypervisor

Key assets protected

  • 30-plus Unix servers and six Citrix file servers
  • Oracle, IBM Informix and TmaxSoft Tibero databases
  • Approximately 1 million files

Centralizing backup and recovery processes with smarter technology

Established in 1950 as a non-profit organization dedicated to developing the Korean life insurance industry, Korea Life Insurance Association (KLIA) has grown to include 24 member life insurers. Its responsibility to these members is wide-ranging and always expanding. Currently, it does everything from promoting the profitability and collaboration between member companies, to protecting the rights and interests of life insurance companies and policyholders, to setting best practices, and supporting the establishment of reasonable insurance policies. Going forward, it aims to enhance the stability of the industry and increase competitiveness amid a rapidly changing global financial environment.

Just as KLIA’s mission has grown, so too has its data. With around one million existing files from nearly seven decades of operations, it needed a reliable and efficient solution for backing up and restoring multiple databases and file servers running on different platforms. After evaluating solutions from a range of vendors, KLIA deployed Commvault Complete Backup & Recovery as a single platform for data protection.

Commvault is the only solution that provides backup, deduplication, archiving, and search capabilities in a single platform. It was the optimal choice for us.

–Chang-whan Yeo, Information System Department Manager | Korea Life Insurance Association

“Commvault is the only solution that provides backup, deduplication, archiving, and search capabilities in a single platform. It was the optimal choice for us,” says Chang-whan Yeo, Information System Department Manager for KLIA.

Cutting the cost and complexity of backup and recovery

To deploy additional backup capacity, KLIA’s existing solution required the purchase of additional licenses and major updates. The rising costs and complexity of licensing policies were impacting the overall efficiency of the solution and resulted in significant cost increases. In addition, the previous solution was unreliable, producing frequent media errors and storage failures. It also only supported full recovery, which was time consuming and disrupted business operations.

“The Commvault solution enables us to build a reliable data protection platform that supports our on-premises environment, allowing data to be recovered and managed in a simpler and more efficient way,” says Yeo. “For example, we have now reduced the time it takes to run a weekly backup for one million files from 100 hours to 10. It’s a significant time and cost saving and maximizes our business productivity.”

Commvault’s intuitive dashboard with at-a-glance recovery status and email reporting features simplify the management and operation of 36 servers and support heterogeneous recovery. This helps to ensure seamless data migration and minimize system downtime.

Flexible and scalable backup and recovery

With a single data protection platform from Commvault, KLIA can now perform backup, deduplication, archiving and searching without interrupting each module. The solution is flexible and scalable, with licensing based on data capacity and pricing policies that enable purchases on a per-capacity or per-server basis, without the need for an additional license for backup storage.

“Commvault Complete Backup & Recovery has enabled us to build a data protection platform that supports our on-premises environment, while making data management simpler and more efficient than ever before,” says Yeo. “I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the solution to other enterprises that need heterogeneous recovery and have a large volume of data to protect.”