Evolutio ensures data readiness and reduces costs with
Commvault and Metallic


  • Required a SaaS-based backup solution to enable rapid recovery of critical data in the Office 365 environment
  • Wanted to avoid yearly infrastructure upgrade costs and extensive resources for managing the backups and security of data
  • Needed to comply with the regulatory requirements to keep data for a set number of years


  • Deployed Commvault Complete™ Data Protection as a single platform to back up and restore data for internal systems
  • Expanded to Metallic™ Office 365 Backup to protect the entire Office 365 environment, including 1,200 mailboxes and SharePoint


  • Reduced CAPEX spend by 20% annually
  • Installed the Metallic Office 365 Backup solution in minutes
  • Gained cost certainty with the front-end capacity licensing model
  • Ensured data is 100% secure and met compliance requirements
  • Empowered users to use self-service to recover lost data instead of relying on technical staff

Pull Metrics

  • 20% yearly savings in CAPEX
  • Metallic solution installed in minutes
  • No additional headcount required

“With the power of Commvault and Metallic, we are confident that we are prepared for any disaster.”

– Alain Rodriguez, Head of Services Management Office, Evolutio

“What I found amazing was not just the speed to roll out Metallic. Our actual experience was exactly the same as the proposed experience from the Commvault representative.”

– Alain Rodriguez, Head of Services Management Office, Evolutio

“Getting Metallic up and running was virtually done in minutes. This is the customer experience that we were expecting an SaaS-based backup solution would give us.”

– Alain Rodriguez, Head of Services Management Office, Evolutio

“Metallic is the pill that you have to take if you want a good night sleep. It gives us extreme confidence that our data is 100% secured.”

– Alain Rodriguez, Head of Services Management Office, Evolutio


Headquartered in Madrid, Spain, Evolutio is a leading enabler of cloud services that provides more than 5,600 kilometers of deployed networks with 6,100 virtual machines across three data centers. With over 30 years of industry experience, 1,000 qualified experts, and 270 security certifications, Evolutio offers services to top global and local organizations in the Spanish market. Its goal is to foster the agility, flexibility, and innovation capacity of its customers, helping them optimize their business value and making their digital transformation possible.

Evolutio has used Commvault for 10 years to protect its internal systems, such as CRM and SAP applications. When the company moved to Office 365, Alain Rodriguez, Head of Services Management Office, wanted to ensure the safety and security of its information in Office 365.

The Challenge

With increased demands on the business, Rodriguez had to find an easy-to-use solution that consumed minimal resources to manage backups and security for Office 365. His goal was to ensure the protection of critical data before anything could go wrong.

“We know that sooner or later things like accidental deletion or machine malfunction are going to happen. We needed a solution that would allow us to recover data easily and quickly,” said Rodriguez.

The Solution

Due to the critical need to protect the information in Office 365, Evolutio wanted to quickly implement a SaaS-based backup solution and fulfill requirements to keep data for up to five years.

Evolutio has been relying on Commvault to protect its critical data over the last decade. Rodriguez explained a previous storage disk failure situation that the copy for that storage disk was also faulty.

“Thanks to the speed and ease of restoring with Commvault, we were able to recover all the data and get back to operational status in less than one day. Our business continuity was virtually uninterrupted.”

As a result of the performance and reliability of Commvault in the past, it led Evolutio to evaluate Metallic for Office 365 protection.

“After comparing Metallic with various vendors, we decided to adopt Metallic because of our years of positive experience with Commvault” said Rodriguez.

Rodriguez was also impressed with the speed and simplicity of Metallic during his evaluation. The demo showed how easy and scalable Metallic Office 365 Backup is and how the solution could deliver exactly what the company anticipated.

“Getting Metallic up and running was virtually done in minutes. This is the customer experience that we were expecting an SaaS-based backup solution would give us,” said Rodriguez.

“What I found amazing was not just the speed to roll out Metallic. Our actual experience was exactly the same as the proposed experience from the Commvault representative.”

The Results

With 2PB of data and a continuous increase in data volume, Evolutio had to buy new equipment and renew maintenance every year to keep up with growth. The process to approve CAPEX could take months each time.

By implementing a fully hosted SaaS-based solution with Metallic Office 365 Backup, Evolutio no longer need to worry about purchasing and maintaining equipment every year. There is also no upfront investment required and no additional costs for support from the vendor. This gives peace of mind to Evolutio that the business can grow on demand.

“With Metallic Office 365 Backup, we avoided a 20% increase in CAPEX every year just to cater for the growth,” said Rodriguez.

“The front-end capacity licensing model with Metallic gives us certainty of how much it’s going to cost. There is also no limit to Azure cloud storage, making it very easy to budget for it and avoid unexpected costs.”

Before Metallic Office 365 Backup, users had to raise a ticket for lost data and it could take up to a week for technical staff to find and recover the data. With Metallic Office 365 Backup, users can easily recover the data themselves instead of relying on technical staff. This freed up technical staff to focus on the projects that benefit the business. The easy-to-use features also eliminated the need to employ additional staff to manage backups, as staff can easily search, find, and recover data in minutes.

“Now if something is lost in Office 365, users can just click and recover. This is a big change from how it was done before,” Rodriguez explains.

With seamless integration between Metallic Office 365 Backup and Evolutio’s existing Commvault subscriptions, Rodriguez and his team can easily manage both on-premises and SaaS environments from a single pane of glass.

“With the power of Commvault and Metallic, we are confident that we are prepared for any disaster,” said Rodriguez.

Evolutio aims to explore more features in Metallic Office 365 Backup and leverage them to further improve data security procedures.

“Metallic is the pill that you have to take if you want a sound night sleep. It gives us extreme confidence that our data is 100% secured.”